Monday, November 26, 2012

What should you do with your old christmas decorative ornaments? I put mine in a wire hanger and make a door wreath

I change my Christmas tree decorations this year. I don't need ornamental balls anymore. Never do the change before because i didn't want to go through the hazard of throwing away perfectly good ornaments that cost a lot of money and they are in good shape. now my Christmas tree have decorative candies. Lots of candies! I'm a Willie Wonka fan and Christmas allow me to live the candy factory dream. But what to do with the ornamental balls i don't need anymore? I start staking them in a wire hanger to keep them safe and i end up with this beautiful wreath for my door!!

First i took a clothe wire hanger and i open it then i start staking my decorative balls in random order. The balls will start doing the shaping.

When all the balls where in place i close the hanger again through the loop and use the wire neck to hang my wreath. It is so easy to do that i was so surprised! My door is a double door as you can see so i hang the wreath in the outside door because the space between both was not enough to close them properly. If your door is small that you can tell is a hanger you might put a bow on the top to cover the hanger loop.   Then i wrap my door with gift wrap paper and here it is!

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