Easy tutorial for a dress form based on your body shape. Affordable and exact for the perfect sewing patterns.
In need of a dress form with my exact measurements. So i can make clothes with my same curves. Is an easy way to sew and work with your patterns. You can beautifully work with fabrics and pin them into the dress form. That way you can see how it will look on you before you even cut the fabric.
So i find this interesting website who teach you how to do a paper dress form. This is a technique utilized by dressmakers from centuries.
It was invented with the intention to fit clothes to a specific individual. But with modernization companies build more modern versions of it.
Bad things about it.... It is expensive about $200, but is for perfect body people. It doesn't come in plus sizes and don't work for all kind of body shapes. Are your hips too wide? are your boobs too big? too small? sag down or up? wide shoulders? have a mastectomy? Do you have rolls? etc.
Why you need a perfect dress form that match your body shape?
Because that way you can sew clothes that will actually fit you and enhance your good looks. you can cover those areas that you need to cover and enhance the ones you really need to enhance. We are not made with the same features but everyone have good looking features.
How I did mine?
I went to this other website and it got me a better idea on how to do the dress form my self. She really have a great blog site with awesome tutorials. Love her website have great ideas.
I didn't find the correct tape. So my dress form was done with the tape who have the gloss on it. so i didn't have to wet my tape to shape it. But is a little bit harder to get the exact fit on the dress form when you do it with the other this way. Instead of using a trash bag I use clear plastic paper and my husband did my dress form the same way it was done in her website. At the end i was not happy with the results of the breast area. My husband tight it too hard and i just look like a flat chest chubby girl. There is many web videos showing you how to do dress forms and they don't pay attention to the measurements at all. If your dress form don't measure the exact size of your body then you won't be able to use it. You will end up wasting your time and your money.
Here is how i fix my dress form..
I cut through the arm the breast area and leave the rest of the body filled with the paper so I can attach the new breast to it.
This time i pay attention to make the front of the dress form as neat as i could. So I make sure every side was taped as the tutorial instructions.
I place tape in the entire chest area but i left the breast area as the last area to cover.
Then i cover up everything like the tutorial request. I did only the front of the torso and left the back uncovered.
This is how it looks on the back.
I took it off and place it over the old dress form.
And it fit like a glove!
Secure the back and the torso and after I double check the measurements with my self i secure it with duck-tape. I reinforce the entire dress form with duck tape after i confirm my measurements. Now i have a great dress form who is exactly my same size. With my same curves and i just spend two rolls of tape and two hours of my time. Now i can sew with confidence. :-)
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